Monday, July 4, 2011

Inner thoughts

Wow! That's all I can say after the past few months of school and other various things happening in my life. "Wow" that I was able to spend less than $70 in textbooks this past semester and still maintain good grades. "Wow" that I went through my toughest semester of school thus far and was still able to serve faithfully in my church. "Wow" that I got a scholarship to study in Taiwan. "Wow" that my sister just got married. But most of all, WOW... that God sustained me and allowed me to grow throughout the whole process - that He allowed me to see things from another perspective.

Everything seems alright when things go the way you expect them to... the way you want
them to. But when things get shaken up by sudden changes, there's nothing you can really do but adapt. I praise God that He has promised that all things will work together for the good of those who love Him. Because as things get hectic, we as believers can trust in an almighty God to have everything under control... especially when we don't.

I believe God is changing the way I see things in life. For years, I structured the future success of everything I planned around the present and past successes of the society around me. But as I learn to submit to God and His will, I must continue to remind myself that there are too many things in this life that I cannot control, and that I have to trust in my Heavenly Father to take care of things. This life I live is no longer mine to live, but for Christ to live through me.

I know my trip in Taiwan these two coming months - as well as wherever I go afterwards (most likely school again) - will not necessarily be easy. God may lead me down unfamiliar situations and stressful moments - on roads less traveled. But in a sense, I guess that's part of the adventure. And when you have a guide who sits outside of time itself, who sees all and knows all, and who is making sure everything will work out according to His plan, why would you bother worrying?

May God direct my path, and may I trust Him and be empowered by His grace.


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